This week has been dominated by one thing - work. Apart from an excursion on Monday to have a few drinks with Czech mates (see what I did there?) Honza and Mira, I have had my head down all week - focused on the prize. The prize in question was the successful development of some models for a place to write and perform haiku in. A nice and fairly open brief. Friday is crit day, and today was our final opportunity to get some formative feedback on our design models, so we were going at it "bags out" as we say in Shetland, to have our models finished to the best of our ability. We were also being given a provisional grade, which was kinda scary. So, in order to meet this challenge, I have been putting in the hours at the studio - until 11pm on both Wednesday and Thursday nights. And I think it paid off. I don't know what my provisional grade is, but I feel reasonably satifsied with my scheme and my progress. So fingers crossed.
Whats really nice, is I can hardly beleive that this is my occupation these days. Gone are the woes of life in the world of education research. Instead, long hours in college are a relative pleasure! Hurrah for architecture!