Thursday, June 14, 2007

Did I say summer?

Yeah, .... those of you who haven't been to Scotland but have the received wisdom notion that the weather here is changeable,.... are quite right. Sometimes we Scots like to dispel the myth that the weather here is all over the place, but I think today I want to re-enforce that. On Tuesday I got sunburned in the park - it was a scorcher. Today, I have under-layers on and a nice warm coat,... buttoned right up to the neck.

But its the tourists that I probably feel most sorry for. They come on their european tours in the middle of summer fully expecting a little warmth,... even in Edinburgh. But today they were cowering in the wind and creeping around looking for shelter. Respect to the Japanese painting and drawing group whom I spotted bravely perched around the Royal Mile, artistically absorbing St Giles and the rest of the city scape. But it surely can't be easy to paint with gloves on?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

School's Out For the Summer...

I can't believe it - first year of architecture is over. We've had a pretty insane couple of weeks working up to the final deadline. But now we are free! I'm off to work my butt off and enjoy the summer - including two weeks in Iceland! Yae! Catcha soon, cool cats. xx